Wednesday, 3 December 2014

MWP My Wooden Pillow - Un-comfortable [EP] [2014]

Merging from Manchesters depths comes a band by the name, My Wooden Pillow, often abbreviated to simply MWP, who are newcomers to the cities Death Metal scene. And their debut outing, Un-comfortable, looks to open up the band to a wider audience within the scene. So, how does it fair?

The four track EP kicks in with the catchy track The Line, starting off with a kick ass riff from the get go. Taking time to introduce the music, the song has all the genres calling cards, including crunchy riffs, harsh vocals and crushing drumming. It's also the first introduction to the harsh female vocals, something left still very unexplored in Death Metal. And it's a shame, as the results are rather incredible when done right, just like throughout the EP. The tonality often helping stop the vocals from sounding flat. They're also brought out really well in dual vocal parts, with male backing vocals harmonizing incredibly well, and thickening the sound.

Next in line is Call for War, and the first introduction to a mix of clean vocals in the tracks. The song sounds a lot like a good solid mix of classic European Death Metal, with melodic hints throughout. The blend fairs well, with a catchy chorus leading the way against more gritty, heavy verses. The difference is night and day in parts, but doesn't break up the song too strenuously, and still manages to transisition smoothly.

Decapitalist comes next, and adds some breaks to the tempo of the EP, to make way for softer and less heavy sections. These lead to some great proggressive lead parts, which again help switch up the song in parts. The first verses even have a hint of Black Metal shine through, with legato riffs galore giving a great backbone and rythmn to the track. Dissonant parts in the instrumental sections also add a sense of fear and power to make for an overall well rounded song. Definetely one of the stand out on the EP.

Rounding things off comes the final self titled track, MWP. The song is more of the style the band have shown in the first three tracks of the EP. The song overall seems more straightforward than the tracks it follows, having more of a basic structure and proggression. It's probably one of the few songs that seems to play on someparts a bit too long, but the proggressive nature and change towards the end, featuring the clean vocals and harmoized riff stop if from falling short. There are some strange parts to it however, like the guitar crescendos in the last chorus that can sound a little strange at first. They sound a bit out of place to be honest, but I do like the fact that the band are trying something different in places.

All in all, MWP have definetely set a high standard for themselves from the first release. Introducing some scarce elements like the melodic female vocals, and laying then down with conviction, they've allowed for a lot of expansion to create a signature sound. I have no doubt that if their next release will continue to work on these elements and perfect them, then it will be one of the more defined death metal sounds in the scene. MWP have done a fantastic job putting together the EP, and I'd definetely recommend it to fans of Death Metal looking for something new to try out. Top Job!

MWP L-R: Patrick, Hassan, Michelle, Chris. Photo by Simon Robertshaw.
My Wooden Pillow is:
Michelle - Vocals
Hassan - Guitar/Backing Vocals
Patrick - Bass/Backing Vocals
Chris - Drums

MWP on facebook:
Napalm Promotions on facebook:

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Insurgency - Death March [EP] [2014]

Death March - Album art by Alice Biddau

Hailing from Lancashires deep reaches, Insurgency are no strangers to the North Wests Thrash scene. Delivering a high intensity style, with no punches pulled. The Lancastrians are currently helping to fill the void left by the many 'cleaner cut' bands in the current generation of Thrash. And following up the bands first official release, Live Insurgency late last year, comes the six track EP Death March.

Featuring seven tracks of the new, old and even a live cover, the EP is a culmination of all of Insurgencys work so far. Kicking straight in with the title track, Deathmarch, the bands overwhelming power and raw aggression shows. With the riffs being delivered like a powerhouse and accelerated to seemingly infinite levels to set the tone for the record early.

Following up comes 'Terror Thrash Totality' and the first song of the bands I've heard of not to be based on their common ground of terrorism and war. It's good to see the band are exploring new topics lyrically, and although not the most original of choices, still helps to add some more diversity to the mix. The song really helps to highlight the bands proficiency at making the most of a three member, single guitar set-up. The track is raw in delivery, and really brings out all elements of the instruments. It's nice to see that the bass is also not neglected in the EP, which is a common sin among most Thrash bands wanting to go for the precise, on point dual guitar sound. Instead the bass is allowed to sing in it's full glory, and provide a real backbone to the overall sound. Especially in parts where it breaks away from following the guitar to provide parts with an extra colour to the sound.

Next up in the firing line is 'Tunguska', an older song of the bands that is brought back in a blaze of glory. Providing a more slower and still ever heavy intro, the song is the first time new listeners will be aware of the bands use of two vocalists rather than one. It's not something often done by a lot of artists, due to the usual blatant difference in voices. But with Andy and Will both able to provide great guteral vocals, it's pulled off rather well. And with one or the other taking the lead on songs, it avoids sounding confusing as both singing on a single song would.

Benghazi comes up next, and another song that's not had it's first outting in the Insurgency arsenal. With the addition of some leads to the track, it still remains as solid and unrelenting as on Live Insurgency. The track is also the first time that the bands use of song blending becomes apparent, as the fade out helps usher in the way for new track, simply named 'Taliban'.

Taliban is probably one of my favourite cuts from the EP, and one that you can listen to right now. It's got all the right ingridients you'd expect from the band; power, speed and aggression. All things they excel at doing. It seems like they've found a formula mixing these main aspects, and certainly don't look to be changing that any time soon. It's something I can definetley applaud the band on as well. Rather than dilute the music to taste, it's a straight shot that get's shit done. It gets the point the across.

Closing out the album is fan favourite, Desert Holocaust, which makes it's third incarnation to date. The band have definetely stepped it up this time round as well. The vocals especially sound a lot more fierce and menacing, and there's more of a finesse in the execution too. A fitting way to finish the EP off.

And for those of you grasping the CD in your hands right now, you may well be aware there's a bonus live track on the end too. A cover of Mayhems Necrolust. The track's one that showcases the bands live power well, and actually sounds top notch for a live recording. If you were ever in doubt about seeing the band live, give it a listen and see what I mean!

Overall, another top release the lads, and one that will keep fans of raw, solid Thrash salivating for a good while yet. If I had to pick one flaw in it though, it would be some small inconsistencies in the production. It's by no means bad, but there are some songs where the guitars can sound a little underwhelming compared to other sections. Most notably this happens in the opening of Benghazi, with the guitar tone sounding rather scratchy, and crunchy. Compared with Desert Holocaust where the tone seems more well rounded and powerful. I'm not too sure if it's just because the former has more focus on the guitars at first, or I'm just hearing it differently or not, but there does seem like a noticeable change in tone between the two.

Apart from that, I'm a huge fan of this release, and admittedly it is one I've been looking forward too for a long while. Insurgency have delivered the aural terrorism once again, and in spectacular style with Death March, and it's an assault I'll be receiving for a long time to come! If you like what you hear, get on to the links below and give this band some support!

Insurgency L-R: Malek, Andrew, Will.

Insurgency is:
Andrew Shackleton - Guitar/Vocals
Will Anderson - Bass/Vocals
Malek Baali - Drums

Insurgency on facebook:
Alice Biddau on facebook:
Napalm Promotions on facebook:

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Killer Hurts - Killer Hurts [Album] [2014]

When it comes to being a Northerner, a lot of bands can slip under the radar. Especially bands from that fabled land South of Manchester, most of us know only as London. But Killer Hurts are also looking to put Norwhich on that map too. Releasing their debut self-titled album this year, they've joined locals, Shrapnel, in making a name for the local scene. Even with lead singer, Errol Watson, being involved in putting together the local Thrashesauraus Festival. So what does the band have to offer?

Well, their debut is definetely one that has some solid attributes to it, including signature catchy riffs, and some great musical talent. Kicking off with 'Rise Abomination', the album has a great melodic intro, complete with harmonised guitar work and chuggy riffs to boot. Even from the start you can sense a more NWOBHM influence than most modern Thrashers. With the tempo not being overstrenuously accelerated, and the vocals remaining relatively clean and powerful at the same time. The production also amplifys this, being cleanly done, while still keeping the tone thick and powerful.

Variety is also something in good supply throughout the album, often switching up tempos and styles multipe times in songs. A great example being the lead harmonies leading to the solo in 'It Has All Gone Dark'. The section shiftes several times, leading to an energetic main solo, and even transisitioning in to a darker sounding, almost Black Metal inspired riff. Completing the song even with blast beats that bring the song full circle. The story of the lyrics are transcribed very well from aural to musical form throughout, a solid part of the albums appeal.

Overall the album has some great sections and tracks, with enough of a musical variation to keep you interested. Even managing to clock in at a lenghty 13 tracks, spanning 47 minutes, it doesn't over stay it's welcome, and can be easily enjoyable in it's entirety. Stand out cuts personally include; Unleash the Chemicals, All Has Gone Dark and Violence Is Golden. All chosen because of their way of mixing it up throughout the track. All in all, it's a definite recommendation for any fans of Thrash without the party piss up excess. An album purely focussed on the music, and mixing up of influences. If you fancy some of that, then get on to Killer Hurts now!

L-R: Errol Watson, Matt Furze, Gary Fescio, Jason Thompson.

Killer Hurts is:
Errol Watson - Vocals and Guitar
Nathan Sadd - Lead Guitar
Matt Furze - Bass
Johmmy Martin Grimley - Drums

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Doom-oween is coming!

Napalm Promotions are proud to announce what is now our third show to hit Manchesters Star and Garter! Coming this October 30th we'll be having a fittingly Doomy Haloween, featuring; Ten Foot Wizard, Bong Cauldron, Pist, Barbarian Hermit and 16 Eyes. A full Manc line-up to celebrate with plenty of riffs and beer! More details will be coming your way soon. We're not planning on a fancy dress theme, though be sure they'll be cool points for those who brave it! Plug in and party on!

Monday, 18 August 2014

Thrashoholic Fest [16/08/2014]

Festival season is almost done, as September looms heavy above our heads, bringing the bad weather with it. But just before it closes out, there's still a couple that are to come. And Thrashoholic Fest last week
Was just one of them.

Nestled deep in Leeds City centre, Thrashoholic not only brought bands from the North together, but the entire country instead. Boasting an impressive 12 bands at just £3 entry, it was just about the best value Fest you'll have seen this year too. Just 25p a band. That won't even buy you a Freddo these days! And it was all organised through the spirit of the UK metal scene coming together. And brought together by Leeds Metal Scene Promotions, who did a great job putting together the line-up.

Arriving in Leeds I immediately got lost in the city centre, before being sent the rescue party of one tipsy Hokumu Blitzkrieg, who helped guide me down to the venue. Even with a complimentary swig of passion fruit cider too! But that's enough about his exotic alcohol tastes.

As we approached the Wharf Chambers in Leeds, to the sound of Exxxekutioner mid set (sorry I missed you guys XIII) You could immediately tell the venue was as DIY as the show at hand. Signing in as guests to the venue (a co-operative club) you could see straight away the homeliness and intamicy of the place. As I walked past the bar to catch Exxxekutioner mid-set in the next room, it was nice to see a good crowd nestled in between the walls this early on. With the crowd already close to max capacity.

As always Exxxekutioner layed down a solid set on full form, really finding their swing after all the experience they've gained live. Only a snap of Mikes strings (for the third time in a row, nonetheless) halting the action of the band. 

Next on was Liverpools latest Thrash offering, Exiled. Bursting straight in with a new drummer, Jimmy, they laid down a solid set, executed perfectly. All members were on top form and seem to have really fell into their elements well. Having a much greater stage presence and confidence since I first saw them at there first show in Liverpool. And their cover of Exodus' Piranha really getting the crowd going.

Following up was local lads, Quake. Fronted by Bill 'Gianni' Paxman, who was intent on getting the crowd going straight from the off. Splits between songs seeming over used as chances to get the crowd participating at times. But overall a really solid performance of both originals and covers at hand.

Insurgency hit the stage next, Malek seemingly fresh off a three day benders a usual! They hit the stage hard, and intense as always. Slaying through a stream of originals and a cover of Sodoms 'Agent Orange' the band certainly played the fuck out of their instruments, as I've come to know of the band. Delivering Teutonic style intensity throughout.

Next up was Leeds Cryptic Shift who seemed like a different band to many others on the bill. Being a mainly groove oriented band, with a slight seasoning of Thrash, it seemed like a different crowd for the band. Which having organisers Ryan Sheperson and Hokumu Blitzkrieg in, I'm sure had a lot of friendly faces in. Never the less, the band performed with a great deal of drama and showmanship, moshing and messing about throughout their set. With the stage being abandoned many a time to accommodate a windmilling member. Even having guitarist Xander ride on the shoulders of vocalist Rob. All round entertaining set from the hosts!

Liverpools second offering RamRaid followed, delivered their set with a fine finesse. Despite being cut a bit short due to a late finish, the boys laid down tracks that are quickly becoming well known such as Reactor 4 and Systematic Genocide. And despite a short set and rather unorganised one as well, put on a great performance. And also a massive thanks for the free t-shirt too!

Next was time for a break, and at the pure insistence of the lads in Exiled we checked out a takeaway a good 15 minutes walk from the venue. Why this is making it in the review I do not know! But they made good pizza, and with fries and a coke for £4 is a pretty good deal. Anyway, next!

The little pit stop unfortunately meant we missed Terror Drone and most of Desolator refuelling, although they can still be caught on the Accelerating over the UK tour currently happening. Be sure to check that out!

Incinery as co-headliners come next, as the penultimate band of the evening. There heavy ended brand of Thrash being executed with finesse throughout. The band aren't a whole lot about theatrics and focus 100% on the music, laying the law down to all those watching.

And that brings us to the final act of the evening, Bludvera. Just there second gig back the five piece, newly reformed from the Terrorform era, laid down a blistering set. Featuring material from both releases and even the previously unreleased 'Inhale The Rings Of Saturn' there was plenty to keep te crowd entertained. And the show even had a sense of nostalgia for a band that have been split less than a year. People singing along to tracks that have left a lasting impression to a new Thrash generation. The set more than wet my appetite for our chance to host them in Manchester in less than a months time. There is no doubt we have a lot to look forward.

Overall a great day! Unless your a bike rider. (You really had to be there to get that reference). But in all seriousness, a massive congratulations to Leeds Metal Scene Promotions for a great premier all dayer.
Roll on next year!

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Bloodstock Ones To Watch 2014

With Bloodstock fast approaching, and the set times going up just today, we thought we'd put together a compact list of ones too watch this year. And forget the limelight of the mainstage, we're talking the smaller bands playing the smaller stages. Although no doubt watching large names like Obituary, Emperor, Saxon and Megadeth may be the majority of your weekend, investing just half an hour of the four days to check out one of these less well known bands may well just make your weekend. So, let's crack on!

01. Incinery - Sophe Stage - Thur. 8:05pm

"Thrasher's INCINERY will hit you with a fast, aggressive and uncompromising feast of neck-snapping riffs and face-shredding solos. The all-out riff massacre is accompanied by a bombardment of drudging bass, visceral drums and a devastating attack of low rasping vocals barked out in a machine gun like tirade of aggression."

02. Monument - Sophie Stage - Thur. - 8:55pm

"Formed in the streets of East London by vocalist Peter Ellis (Ex- White Wizzard, The More I See), MONUMENT is bringing back a sound that has been missing from the UK for nearly 30 years... True British Heavy Metal!

With thunderous, melodic bass tones, dual guitar harmonies, rock-solid drum beats and signature falsetto wails, the band is determined to make a difference in today's Metal scene and is celebrating a sound that is rooted in melody and good songwriting that will inspire a new generation of Metal fans.

True Metal is back in the Empire and MONUMENT will undoubtedly be the band at the forefront of this new wave."

03. Ten Foot Wizard - Jagermeister Stage - Fri. 2:50pm

"A juggernaut of power blues stoner rock, milked from the beard of Zeus!"

04. Old Corpse Road - Sophie Stage - Sat. 12:40pm

"The band hail from the North East of England, an area rich with ancient tales and rife with folklore. The line up consists of five members who have played together in various other projects over the last decade, most notably the dark metal band Nemain. We consider our individual identities to be unimportant, although those who ask shall be told. The members of the band are long time friends who form a part of the Nemain Collective. On a personal level the band follow the entire metal scene passionately and regularly attend gigs and rock nights whilst indulging in fine ales and beverages."

05. Synaptik - New Blood Stage - Sat. 3:50pm

"SYNAPTIK is an British heavy metal band from the East Coast of England. Formed in 2012, known to incorporate elements from styles such as thrash, power, progressive.
Synaptik aren't afraid to mix up the influences and certainly don't fear melody with their heavier than a black hole riffage and dynamic vocals, death metal aggressiveness with a progressive, melodic outlook. They draw on influences old and new to create a mutant hybrid sound-scape that makes them stand out."

06. Eradikator - New Blood Stage - Sun. 1:45pm

"Eradikator are a 4 Piece Thrash Metal Band from Birmingham UK. The birthplace of heavy metal monsters such as Black Sabbath, Napalm Death and Judas Priest. Drawing on all their life and musical influences, Eradikator set out to create face melting, ear shredding Thrash metal that would make even the most hardened metal heads ears hemorrhage liquid steel. Eradikator are commited to the ideal of living in mediocrity to bring Heavy music to the masses and living life as one big raging, smokin party. With a single goal of being able to tour their asses off for the rest of their life's Eradikator are 100% commited to doing whatever it takes to play metal all over the world and have a fucking blast doing it."

Camp Tickle. None more metal!
So there we are! Just a handful of bands to check out at Bloodstock 2014. If you like the sound of any of the bands featured, click their photo above to check out their music. And if you like what you hear get them on that list of bands too see. Us lot in Napalm Promotions will be going this year checking out all the bands we can, so if you happen to see this super cool flag flying in Valhalla come and have a beer with us. See you all there!

Friday, 1 August 2014

Exxxekutioner - Fear The Priest [EP] [2014]

Theres rarely ever a time a local band stir up such a great fuss about an EP launch, for it to not pass as just another date on the the already overflowing calendar. However, Exxxekutioners mention of the production of their debut record earlier this year has had fans salivating for its release ever since. Aptly titled 'Fear The Priest' in the vain of the bands focus in horror and the occult, the EP offers six deadly tracks of the finest old school sound you'll find around today. Exxxekutioner are certainly not trying to hoax anyone in to thinking their an innovative and 'hip' new band. Even showing love for their influences with a thanks to legends Venom on the inner sleeve of the tape. But their also not pretending to be them, and instead forging their own sound from old influences.

I heard they like Venom!
Released earlier this month to the masses, the EP kicks in with the rather haunting build up you'd expect to hear as the title rolls to an '80's goretastic horror movie. Eventually kicking in with a classically styled drum intro that make way for the rests of the instruments and vocals. 'March To Death' certainly offers a lot of catchiness musically. The riffs keep nice and varied throughout. Not being repetitive or overused, and the middle break to the song leading up to the rather bang your head heavy ending make for a great first impression.

Following up is the rather anviguously titled 'B.I.B'' offering much the same as the opening track. Catchy riffs, fast drums and gruff vocals. It's by now you can start to appreciate the choice of live recording as a way to produce the album. Leaving all the rough edges that are usually cut out of today's crisp and clean production standards helps offer a much more full and warm feeling to the production. One that is pronounced and unique, rather than compressed and a bit too clinical. Think of the production a really good steak. Pure cut, and organic.

'Siren Of Divinity' is next up and again offers much of the same. A good solid structuring with great use of riffs and hooks. You can tell the EP isn't going to be massively varied by this point. But the introduction of more melodic passages in this track, and creeping in new features with each track help keep the songs defined and split. And also keeping from the usual Thrash curse of monotony.

Various formats the EP is available on. Patch comes free with the tape version.
Photo credit: Paul Cave.
It's hear we reach the title track 'Fear The Priest' and intensity levels reach peak point. Usually title tracks are the one often slated for being to sterile and safe. But instated it feels like Fear The Priest is the one that sums up Exxekutioner the best, and brings together all their good points. It might be straight up old school worship first hand. But the sheer power and execution (yes, that's a fucking pun!) is done so well, that it feels the band have really quickly found a great niche.

'Maniac Asylum' follows, one of the bands oldest tracks. Straight up frantic from start to finish, the track blazes through some meaty and heavy riffs and an unrelenting pounding of the drums. Not letting off for one second.

The first we heard of Exxxenutioner in the form of 'Black Witchery' closes out the EP. The song which lent it's name to the bands first demo, now playing the swan song to their first official release. It's not actually until I heard this song that I heard one missing element among all songs before it. A guitar solo. And to be honest the fact that there were no solos on the songs before wouldn't even of hit me if I didn't hear it on Black Witchery. The full and heavy sound often being enough to fill my appetite without the need to build up to a solo. Tracks often fulfil there means and provide a rich spectrum without the need for an offering of lead guitar insanity. It really plays testament to them that the short punchy tracks they have written provide an EP's worth of material without solos, and still be a full product.

Overall 'Fear The Priest' is a definite recommendation to any fans of old school metal in general. The mix of Black, Thrash and Death influences make it widely appealing to those with a disposition for metals roots. Maybe a little out of place to anyone wanting a clean cut metal experience. Buy then if you're after that, you should probably re-evaluate your life choices. Whichever you may be though, do give the EP a listen and help support underground UK metal. I know it's an often overused statement, but when you keep your arses as busy as the guys in Exxekutioner, playing shows everywhere they can for fans, and getting straight on writing and recording, they deserve it. Ulthar Records are currently doing a great job helping the band along, sorting recording and distribution, and we certainly want to do our part too! Check out the links below, and get on it!

L-R of the shade brigade!: Ryan Council (Bass), Cliff Edge (Vocals)Liam Waring (Drums), Mike Woods (Guitar)

Monday, 28 July 2014

Aftermath [Crossover/Chicago]

It's not too often that a band pops up on Napalms page with a demo of music that wasn't written and recorded in the small time that we've been running. But just last week one band from Chicago posted a demo straight from their tape released in '87... That's right, Nineteen eighty fucking seven! If there's ever bands that like to pretend to be old school, Aftermath are not one of them. Because they are just about as integrated with the Crossover Thrash scene as Mike Muirs love for Pepsi.

Formed in the pivotal 80's decade that spawned Thrash and Crossover, Aftermath are no strangers to the scene, and even played a good role in pioneering the genre. Being one of the first bands to embrace the clash of Metal and Punk, and chuck their own mix of hybrid sound out to the public. Now reformed in 2014 the band are once again looking to gig and write material that pay decadence to their now well defined sound. Although dates for this year are yet to surface, the band have two hometown shows in Chicago, as well as an outing to Germany planned for 2015. Here they'll be playing tracks not heard in live form since the dusk of the '80's, and Thrashing once again!

1987's 'Killing The Future' demo was one of the first releases I heard by the band, and for good reason. Searching for material by them is a damn hard prospect. Even in todays internet flooded society, only a hand full of tracks have been uploaded to the tube of you's, and 'Killing The Future' happens to be the only full release. Kicking straight in with all the in your face brashness you'd expect from Crossover, the old school elements and warm raw feeling are all in place as expected. Tempos quickly reach blistering pace, but are greatly split by really cool melodic interludes which introduce a more technical edge, not something often heard in the gung-ho styling of the genre. The touches on tracks like 'When Will You Die' certainly give the band a really cool technical edge, reminiscent of the likes of early Coroner who were growing around the same time, only over the other side of the Atlantic. For a second demo, it really sounds like Aftermath had developed a sound embracing their influences extremely well.

The bands recent re-forming has also had them embrace the world of social media, and they can now be found loitering the all familiar realm of facebook, as they look to spread their music on a format that was never around when it was wrote. Hopefully rekindling their old audience, and growing to introduce it to a younger one, that may have not heard them before. Whichever you may be, you can find the band here: The band are yet to announce the details on their booked dates, but I should imagine all will be coming soon enough on their 2015 run of shows. If you happen to live in or around Chicago, or some undisclosed area of Germany, you may well be in luck! Either way, give that page a like, and help support old veterans looking to rise once again.

Aftermath is:
Kyriakos "Charlie" Tsiolis - Vocals
Steve Sacco - Guitar
John Lovette - Guitar
Ray Schmidt - Drums
Adam - Bass

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Solitary - I Promise To Thrash Forever [Live Album] [2014]

Formed a good 20 years ago in a small town called Preston, Solitar certainly know the ropes when it comes to the process of being in a band. Racking up numerous releases and countless shows in the two decades they've been together. And bringing together their history is this live album, aptly titled 'I Promise To Thrash Forever'. A collection of the bands choice cuts from their discography, not just put together in an album, but performed live in concert.

Kicking in with particularly heavy intro of 'Spineless', you notice immediately that the band have set them self apart from most other Thrash in their choice of tuning. The particularly chuggy, heavy riffing hinting at a setup a little lower that the E or D# tunings of most Thrash bands. The riffs throughout the track maintain this theme of keeping the heaviness flowing at a good constant rate, without really tiring themselves out, and the introduce of some harmony and lead work really helps break up the song and balance it well.

Next came the suprising addition of a cover of none other than 'Into The Pit' by legendary Bay-Area Thrashers Testament. The inclusion of a cover so early on was something that threw me off quite a bit. As unexpected places to put a cover go, second is only just ahead of first in that respect. But despite it feeling like a strange decision to follow up the opening track in this way, the cover is executed well, even if feeling a tad slower than the original in parts.

It was honestly not until the third track 'Predator' that I actually realised that the album was recorded live. And that's some massive props to Solitary for that, because if it wasn't for the little interludes between songs, I would of actually never of known! The music is so flawlessly performed and produced up to now, that it sounds like a studio effort by any standards. The track again returns to the bands originals, and re-introduces the bands trademark of heavy hitting riffs and drums.

After taking a quick look at the bands info at this point there's a clear influence by the likes of heavier albums such as At The Gates 'Slaughter Of The Soul' and Testaments 'The Gathering'. Something that you can't really miss listening to the album all the way through. The band certainly wear their influences on their shoulder, and let it influence their own music in a good way. Not making for the most original sound, but a good tried and tested one instead.

Continuing the album, you begin to hear more of the same in terms of songwriting style and the ever present heavy riffing. For a Thrash band, Solitary certainly have a very heavy and groove lined edge to their tracks. Certainly most prevelant in tracks like 'The Downward Spiral' and 'Requiem'. My only really criticism at this point comes with the vocals on the album. They're by no means bad, but the lack of a real range from the deep yelling on display can sometimes sound a little bit monotonous in longer vocal sections. The style very much is a trademark of Preston, also being adopted by the likes of Chris Astley of Xentrix. And it's something that certainly fits the accent well, coming across clear and powerful. But a little more range to vary things here and there sounds like it certainly wouldn't go a miss.

Overall, the album is a great collection of tracks spanning Solitarys twenty year history. The band certainly will have more success targeting fans of a heavier persuasion, but the album is accessible enough to all with any real interest in Metal. If I had to recommend any tracks from the album as personal favourites, I really loved the speedy edge to 'Unidentified' and the crushing stab of 'Predator'.

The band currently have the album for sale on their website, just click here to be took right to it. It's available on CD at the rather low, low price of £2.99. And even comes with a free download code for your immediate listening pleasure. Be sure to pick it up if you're a fan of good heavy Thrash.

Click here to go to the bands site, where you can purchase the album.

Solitary is:
Richard Sherrington - Vocals/ Guitar
Roy Miller- Drums
Andy Mellor - Lead Guitar
Ren Robinson - Bass

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Thrashin' like it's '86... Still?!

Ever since Thrash reared it's gnarly head in the early '80's, it's continued to grow to be one of metals key genres. Despite the slump brought on by grunge in the '90's, becoming the teenagers poison of choice . it's continued it's presence in metal with a revival of sorts, starting towards the start of the century. And very much in the bane of it's '80's ancestors.

Spawning from the aggression and speed of the likes of Exodus, Kreator and Slayer. Many of the younger bands are considered the 'little brothers' of their musical influences. And it's something that is definitely picked up on by fans.

'It's like Metallica back when they were good!' Has become the rabid call of fans worldwide, following it's re-growth. And it seems the old school is something that Thrashers are keen to not let go of anytime soon. Although this does lead to one question. Is Thrash Metal stagnating?

To many ends, those who know their Thrash Metal alphabet, and are widely versed in the genre, will surely agree. That the 're-Thrash' era is a reincarnation of its heyday. And that originality lies low on the list of priorities. But is it a true pining for the past that lies as the course? Or a genuine lack of direction for new bands to take?

With the rather underground offerings of the likes of Coroner, Watchtower and Voivod covering the technical edge. Bands like Demolition Hammer hammering in the heavy. And Dark Angel and Exodus pushing the boundaries of speed. It's hard for new bands to find a niche to really call there own, and develop uniquely. Many new bands instead opting to continue the heritage in a less than subtle nod to the past. This, to some ends, is a real hint at the halt in progression that Thrash is facing at the moment. With even bands that are said to be moving it forward, such as Vektor, having that very familiar Voivod seasoning to the sound. Although granted, in a very good way. It does seem like it leaves a full gone conclusion on The genre being stamped as stagnant. Although looking at it from a different perspective, all is changed.

Sure the originality of the new school has took a back seat. But looking at what fans want, it quickly becomes apparent that it's not really that as to what they are craving. The hi-top, denim kutte, skinny jean masses, instead are voting in the favour of tradition to keep the scene they love alive. And when it comes down to it, it's the fans obvious comitment to the genres preservation that keeps it how it is. Not stagnating, but instead thriving on its past success in a new era.

You only have to look around at the current home-grown events like Full Thrash Assault and Thrashoholic, and DIY gigs, by fans for fans, on show. And there is all the evidence you need to see that the scene isn't stagnant in anyway. But simply returning to its roots. Unspoilt by it's mainstream growth, commercial gain and rock star excess. The new thrashers of today are instead embracing the feel of Kill 'Em All Metallica,
Pisses off Mustaine and bowl cut Tom Angelripper. And just not giving a fuck! Now get me a beer, Exodus are in in 5!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

RamRaid [Thrash/Liverpool]

Liverpools Thrash scene is a slowly growing one, much like the rest of the countries, following on from its influx in popularity in the late 2000's. And following the unfortunate split of Bludvera last year, RamRaid are top of the odds to be spearheading Liverpools scene. Delivering there ferocious attack of Thrash in the pioneering Bay-area and Teutonic styles, the band have quickly made a name for themselves around the North of England.

Despite not having a full release to date, the bands constant intense gig schedule, and online tracks have kept the band in the local spotlight. Delivering a strong live set and stage presence, including binding Thrash classics with their own material the band have quickly grown.

Following on from this years appearance at the annual Full Thrash Assault, the band also have a prime spot on the first Thrashoholic Fest, set to take place in August. And are currently busy recording their originals in the studio in between live shows. The band currently have two of their own songs; 'Reactor 4' and 'Systematic Genocide'. Both of which show the bands 'ultra-violence Thrash' approach, similar in style to the old school Exodus, Kreator and Sodom

The band currently have an EP in the works as well, featuring the aforementioned tracks and (...) more. And looking to have it done before the approach of 2015. Allow the focus on genocide and nuclear catastrophes to give you a taste of what's to come. The band certainly won't be relenting any time soon.

As well as the date at Thrashoholic, the band will also be keeping busy the rest of the year, with dates in Liverpool and *hint hint!* their debut in Manchester. As always full dates are below, so check them out!

RamRaid Dates 2014

July 11th - Out of the Ashes festival, Elsmere Port.
Aug 16th - Thrashoholic Fest, Leeds.
[L-R] Ben Gannon (Vocals, Guitar), Dominic Williams (Drums), Oscar Fitzpatrick (Guitar), Paul Hutton (Bass).


It's with great pride we announce our premier Napalm Promotions show featuring: Bludvera, Exxxekutioner, RamRaid, Insurgency and Gorehead. Taking place at Manchesters Star and Garter on the 13th of September, this is one Thrash-fest of a gig not too be missed!

Back together for a few select dates around the UK following their split, Bludvera are hungry for more live shows once again. Coming up to Manchester for the first time since 2011, they're back in full force with the line-up direct from their debut album Terrorform.

Salford Thrashers, Exxxekutioner need no introduce, becoming a staple among the local scene since beggining last year. They can be seen everywhere in Manchester for good reason, they keep the crowd moving throughout everyone of their sets.

Coming up with Bludvera are Liverpools RamRaid, who are making their debut in Manchester after playing many places around the North-West. Expect speed and outright aggression.

Representing Lancaster are Insurgency, currently busy recording their first EP. The epitomy of old-school, raw, cutting Thrash is in good supply with them.

And finally are local lads, Gorehead. Hateful, disgusting filth straight from Manchester. Playing a ripping blend of Death, Grind and Thrash.

Tickets are available from the event page below, simply click on the flyer to be took to it. A measley £4 in advance, and £5 on the door. We hope you're all as excited for it as we are!

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Cryptic Shift - Old Chapel [EP] [2014]

Following on from the Old Chapel Demos released by Cryptic Shift earlier this, comes their 'Old Chapel EP'. Re-recordings of their original tracks, doing them the justice they deserve. The much more powerful mix and master, along with the final welcome addition of vocals, make the EP a great improvement on the previously released demos.

Returing to the old haunt of Czar Street Studios in Leeds, the band have gone full out this time to give the tracks the justice they deserve. A number of changes have been made since the first inception of the demos earlier in the year, including the introduction of Hokumu Blitzkrieg on bass. The change is very prevelant, with Hokumus style being very different to their previous bassists sound. And for me it is certainly a welcome addition to the band, with his heavier focus on rythmn helping to guide and drive the songs in all the places they need. Although Oli Griffiths technical ability and great melodic bass playing was something that set the band apart, it often felt a bit too out of place among the songs. And with the music often being more tipped towards the rythmn end, a straight forward powerful and driving approach is often best.

The second major change to the EP tracks over the demos are the premier of vocals. And Rob Castles great display here certainly help bring the songs together whole. The icing on the cake if you would like! Vocals are certainly something that are central to keeping the tracks moving forward, and a great display of aggressive vocal styles keep the variety content high.

First track I got to hear, 'Mass Gathering' kicks straight in with a Thrash-esue catchy riff, that soon develops into a heavy driving rythmn to open the track. With groove elements coming prevelant in the verse, the song reaches a nice balance without leaning too heavy one way. Especially as the leads kick in after the chorus, and the prevelance of bass is shown once again with lead bass parts playing off with the guitar. A lesson in something a lot of bands could do with - turn your bassist up! As the track reaches it's instrumental section the tempo's change again keeps the variation high, and leads to an incredibly easy to distinguish track. Not monotonizing a single riff in it, instead developing on them.

Second track 'Leviathan Walk' is one certainly more Groove heavy, and a strike between classic Pantera and modern Lamb Of God. The chuggy riffs are in abundance, but helped out by again switching it up to higher sections to stop the sound from becoming too samey. The vocals in particular can be bordered upon Phil Anselmo territory, with the deep power to the uncontrolled whails, and gritty screams. It feels like the song sometimes plays upon it's main riff a bit too much, with it introducing the many different changes in the song, but it's something that certainly helps keep the music stuck in your memory as well.

Overall, from what I've heard, the EP is a massive upgrade from the previously released demos. The clarity and power it delivers notchs it far above, and gives the music and songwriting a platorm it really deserves. I can't wait to hear the rest later this year, and getting to see them live. To me the improvements on the EP have garnished a close to new found love for a band I feel have a lot of potential, and I feel further releases can truly be excellent . Maybe not the most original of sound, but a sound that is incredible none the less.

The release of the EP is yet to be announced, but expect it before the well anticipated Thrashoholic Fest. So everyone going best get to the front for these guys, and get a copy if you like what you hear. 'Mass Gathering is also going to be the recipient of the bands first music video, recorded by Andy Horry of Slaughter Throne.

Any fans in Leeds, Manchester or Liverpool may also be in for a treat as the band will be doing a short three date tour this Winter. Alongside Liverpudlian Thrashers Exiled and my own band Viocide. Dates are yet to be announced, but be sure Napalm will be the first to yell it at you when they are!

Full details on the EP will be announced as Cryptic Shift themselves let us know, and we look forward to hearing more! Great music, great guys. Go check them out!

All music by Cryptic Shift
Mixed by Cryptic Shift and David Whitaker
Recorded at Czar Street Studios
And set to be released by MAS Records

Cryptic Shift is:
Rob Castle - Vocals
Xander Bradley - Guitars
Ryan Sheperson - Drums
Hokumu Blitzkreig - Bass

Friday, 20 June 2014

Insurgency [Thrash/Lancaster, UK]

Heavy hitting Thrashers, Insurgency,  will have you thinking Lancaster is a city in Germany with their incredible Teutonic Thrash sound. The sort of band that would sound in their element opening for the likes of early Destuction, Sodom and Kreator. Insurgency take all the best elements of the old school, and leave the softer elements to rot. Uncompromising riffs, vocals, battery and brutality!

Starting just 2 years ago the 3-piece came to be from a mutual love of old school metal, and quickly found a sound akin to it. Using the tried and tested setup of single guitar, bass, vocals and drums, the band don't mess about delivering the goods of devastatingly powerful riffs and driving rythmn section.

First starting with demos straight from the off, the band posted a good few of their practice sessions on to SoundCloud, already having another for a solid demo down. Their first song properly recorded was 'Tunguska' which showcases the band overlying theme of warfare lyrics and chainsaw riffing.

Playing their first show in the September of 2012, the band bring it all to life when playing live. A brutal wall of sound brought about by the thick and quick Thrash assault is something to behold. And really pervays the sense of outright aggression that the band is all about. A good mix of the bands own songs and some covers of the afformentioned Teutonic greats make for an interesting and all powerful playlist, with no relenting from start to finish.

Their only release to date is the 'Live Insurgency Demo' a live recorded demo of three of their own tracks; Pan Arabic Attack, Beghazi and Desert Holocaust. The songs on the demo really take you back to the 80's incarnation of the more heavy styled Thrash giants such as Kreator, Exodus and Possesed. The harsh vocals, aggressive guitar , thunderous bass and blasting drums. All boxes of Thrash purity ticked.

The demo is currently on SoundCloud only, with a few CD promo copies floating about. Although reliable sources (totally not myself) know there may be a limited tape run of the demo too come. You'll have to keep your eyes out for that yourselves though!

The band are currently looking to release their debut before the year is out, with artwork already complete, and 'Desert Holocaust' released in anticipation for its release. Tracklisting is currently yet to be announced along with a date, but should not be all too far away. The band are also going to be playing a number of shows in the UK, including the fantastic Thrashoholic Fest. Full dates are shown below, as always check to see if they're in you town and get down to the show!

Artwork by Alice Biddau
 Upcoming Insurgency dates

18th Jul - The Boulevard, Wigan w/ Mower/Bastard of the Skiies
23rd Jul - Liverpool w/ Coltsblood/ Corrupt Mortal Altar/ Dismal
25th Jul - Royal British Legion, Newcastle - Stuart Bartlett's birthday w/ Wraith of Satan +1 more
16th Aug - Wharf Chambers, Leeds - Thrashoholic Fest.

13th Dec - Bannermans Bar, Edinburgh, Scotland - w/ Evil Blood, Exxxekutioner, NNGNN

[L-R] Malek Baali (Drums), Andrew Shackleton (Vocals, Guitar)
Will Anderson (Bass, Backing Vocals)

Monday, 16 June 2014

Napalm Show Venue Confirmed

It's a great pleasure to announce Manchesters Star and Garter as the venue for our first show in September! After looking at a variety of places around Manchester, we've gone with Star and Garter because of it's great sound, capacity and drink prices. The location right under one of Manchesters biggest train stations is also a bonus!

Located just down the road from Manchesters Picadilly Station, the venue is ideally located for anyone travelling to town being easy to find even to those with limited knowledge of the city center. Although relatively isolated, and detached from other buildings, it has a great atmosphere and size to accomidate large crowds. Plus it's isolation means amps up to 11 are no problem.

Star and Garters location, right near Picadilly Station.
We hope to have bands announced soon. We already have two bands ready, and a whole list of bands ready to ask to play, so it really shouldn't be long. More information will be coming soon!

Star and Garter venue.
Napalm Promotions on facebook:

Monday, 9 June 2014

Date for first Napalm show confirmed!

After shopping round for the last few days, assesing venues, sending emails and all the rest, we now have a date and venue for our first show! We're not letting all the details slip just yet, but be sure to keep Saturday the 13th of September free, as that's when we'll be launching our first Napalm Promotions show.

We've chosen the date for a number of reasons; mostly because it is the beginning of the academic year. Maximising the chance of a solid turnout, and given ourselves a good audience to promote too. The date is on the weekend of MMU's freshers week, so we'll have plenty of new Manchester Metalheads to induct to the scene, and hopefully this'll be a great way to do it. Secondly, it gives us plenty of time to get the gig organised, and promote it to it's full extent. Expect to see flyers around just about every Metal spot in town! We'll be spamming you all like you won't believe.

Plenty more details will becoming your way soon, but all in moderation. We have a venue set, and also a couple of bands well up for it. So we're off to a solid start, but still have lots more to do also. Be sure to like us on facebook if you haven't already to keep up to date with the happenings, and we hope you guys can come down to catch the show!

We also want to thank Connor Lewis for helping us out getting the afformentioned venue which we'll be revealing soon. Thanks so much dude!

Napalm Crew.

Napalm Promotions on facebook:

Almost Fatal Festival 2014 [Barrow In Furness] [12/07/2014]

Coming in July is this year Extreme Metal all dayer, rightfully dubbed 'Almost Fatal Festival'. Showcasing some of the UK's best extreme metal talent. There's a rather righteous 15 bands on the bill for the day, and all just for £6 for those buying in advance. The Wheatsheaf Inn, situated in the small town of Barrow plays host to the proceedings.

The festival is hosted by none other than Mr. Matt Davidson of Repulsive Vision himself. Making a really solid line up from first hand experience of seeing the bands. Heres what he has to say about the line-up below!

We are very proud to announce Geordie NWOBHM legends Avenger as our headliner for the evening. Formed in 82 by 3 members of cult metal band, Blitzkrieg, the band have dominated stages all across the globe over their 30 year career and are by no means ready to stop. With a brand new album on the horizon (entitled 'Mace Imperial') and a growing worldwide fanbase, you will not want to miss this incredible experience in Barrow.

We are also pleased to announce the self proclaimed 'Death Metal Bastards', Desecration for the event. These Welsh purveyors of sickness and depravity have brought controversy and mayhem since the mid 90s when their debut album was seized and incinerated for obscenity. Since then, the band have continued to provide gore, gutturals and blastbeats all around the world with extensive tours and 6 (soon to be 7) intense slabs of recorded extremity on offer.

Primitive Graven Image
Furiously relentless black metal inspired (yet totally not confined) by the works of Darkthrone, Emperor and Immortal. PGI have slowly evolved their sound over the 8 years since their formation with 3 boundary-pushing opuses and countless live shows. Melodic, speedy, aggressive and otherworldly.

Travelling far across the land from Southern shores, folk metallers Gymir are bringing their own brand of epic battle metal to proceedings. Prepare your war paint and raise your fist to this pagan assault from the lands of old.

Foetal Juice
Fueled by necrophilia, gore and serial killers, this group of putrid Mancunian psychopaths are leaders in the UK death metal scene at the moment, with a hilariously dark sense of humour, brutal sound and a live show of unholy proportions.

Shades Of Avalon
Fusing the aggressive vocals of death metal with powerful grooves and a potent sense of melody, Northern barbarians Shades of Avalon are a band of battle metal brothers fighting for Viking war and copious amounts of ale.

Although formed mere months ago, Manchester's Pist have gone from strength to strength at breakneck speed. With a tour booked, their sublime debut EP 'Riffology' sold out within weeks and a prospective album coming soon, we should expect great things from these riffmeisters.

Vicious Blackened Death Metal band from Leeds complete with a crushing sound and a blood soaked image. Recently featured in Terrorizer as band of the week (albeit under their previous name, Sheol) for their powerful debut Live Demo MMXIII, Sathamel are ready and willing to destroy all those in their way.

Repusive Vision
Local old school death metal band, often likened to legends such as Obituary, Napalm Death and Carcass, with an energetic stage presence and a debut release very close to completion. A rare hometown show.

Swedish style Death Metal 20 years in the making. Beginning life in 1990, the band have recently reformed to continue their reign of 'godless terror' with a powerful sound and a passion for the HM-2.

Lizard Tongue
Soaked in thick fuzz and heavy grooves, Bradford based sludge doom band, Lizard Tongue are prepared to assault your ears with deep Southern growls and dirty riffs that demand to be headbanged to.

- Mancunian thrash sounding like it's straight from the 80s with an energetic live show and a new EP coming out very soon. For fans of Sodom and Celtic Frost.

Iron Seawolf
Cumbria's very own pirate clan will be performing a special acoustic set outside in the beer garden providing a soundtrack for all the people enjoying the hot sunshine (fingers crossed), the cold rum on the rocks and the Barrrgghhhhbeque!

Inspired by the tales of Cumbria, Dagrau create acoustic black/folk opuses with a passion for local heritage and atmospheric heathen psalms.

Be sure to check out the event on facebook and get down and show your support if you can. It's a 100% for the fans by the fans style of show. Just what we like to see. Links as always are below.

facebook event page: Fatal Productions:
Napalm Promotions on facebook:

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Gods Of War [Extreme/Liverpool, UK]

Liverpools Gods Of War are band built on the exploration of Metals more extreme side. Rejecting to pick aside among the ocean of subgenres, they've instead remained resilient. And instead mix and match at their own will, for the benefit of the music. Forming in 2009, the band currently have a demo, two EP's and a single under their belt. Along with an impressive plethora of shows, alongside bands such as; Insurgency, Bludvera, Exiled and D.A.M..

The bands first release came in 2009, the three track demo 'We March For Metal'. The release showcased the bands unique blend of Metal. From the acoustic opening of Mourning The Departed develops a song highlighting Thrash-esque riffing, powerful leads NWoBHM style, and deep, rough vocals akin with Black and Death Metal. The demo really is a divere showing throughout and helps keep it interesting, with songs of changing direction rather quickly and sharply.


Following up the demo the band released their first EP 'Litanies Of War' in October of 2011. Continuing to push forward experimenting with their infusion of genres, the EP benifited from a much greater production value which helped add power to the tracks. Kicking straight off with 'Ignite', the EP remains consistently strong throughout. The overwhelming theme and focus on battle and combat warranting the display of power in and rythmn. My only real criticism would be some sections in the riffing that rely on the single note chugging a bit too much, something which is rather prevelant towards tthe start of 'Foes Who Oppose Me'. Although the song does redeem this with great key changes towards the middle interlude, adding a great contrast.

Gods Of War - Litanies Of War [EP] [2011]

01. Ignite
02. Pillage and Punder
03. Foes Who Oppose Me
04. Apocalypse
05. Arrival

Gods Of War - Litanies Of War [EP] [2011]

After releasing their first single 'Gods Of Old' in 2013, the band was ready for a full follow up to Litanies by 2014, and 'Tales From The Dark Lands' was unleashed. In the EP you can definetely hear how the band are starting to find their sound and define themselves. All the time still keeping the different genres elements but in a more cohesive way. It's really cool to see a band that can take so many influences and really build them together to create music that can switch up parts from song ot song. A really good example of this is the change between 'Gods Of Old' and 'Operation Engage'. With Gods' more somber ending opening up into the more Thrash orientated Engage, where vocal styles are changed completely to compliment the track.

Gods Of War - Tales From The Dark Lands [EP] [2014]

01. Formost
02. Gods Of Old
03. Operation Engage
04. Angmar

Gods Of War - Tales From The Dark Lands [EP] [2014]

The band are currently continuing gigging, with their dates listed below, so be sure to get to a show if you can. Their discography is also currently all on Bandcamp with on a 'name your price' basis. If you like what you hear then definetely go and download one... or them all! If I had to recommend one then if most likely be the latest, 'Tales From The Dark Lands' as it definetely seems like the bands best to date. They're definetely a band that have developed with time. Also make sure you do drop them a few pennies when downloading, as it will keep them on the road and gigging!

[L-R] Danny Hell (Vocals), Kris Dobson (Drums),
Matt Hughes (Guitar, Backing Vocals)
James Collins (Bass, Backing Vocals)
Upcoming Dates

21/06/14 - The Yorkshire House, Lancaster, UK
w/ Project Unicorn, King Cobra.

24/07/14 - Sound Control, Manchester, UK
w/ ArnoCorp, Footprints In The Custard, Scumface.

Gods Of War facebook
Gods Of War BandCamp
Napalm Promotions facebook

Monday, 2 June 2014

Nomad - The House Is Dead [EP] [2014]

Stomping on to the Doom scene with their EP are Manchesters down-tuned deliverers of despair, Nomad. Coming together late 2011, the 4-piece unleashed their 'The House Is Dead' earlier this year on the When Planets Collide label. Relentlessly heavy from the off, the EP has certainly put them in good standing among the Manchester scene.

Opening track 'Slaves To Mourning' kicks off proceedings in the expectedly heavy fashion. The slow and thick groove instilling the overall despairing overtones of the track, piloting it forward with the incredible grit of vocalist Rev. Drian Nash's voice. The track has use of some fairly upbeat riffs appearing after the chorus that are well developed to progressively deepen and give contrast to the tracks swings in mood throughout. Often intensifying in synch with the vocals, to give a good sense of sound diversity in the track.

The EP has the despair side of Doom as an overriding theme throughout, with most songs building to the heavy end of the scale. It is nice to hear that melody and lead guitar work is used as a way of diversifying the songs and adding new dynamics through the EP developing.

Nomad certainly takes and executes the key features of the Doom genre well, in particular keeping a groove to the heaviness, but it feels like their is room for implementation of other ideas in some tracks. Maybe trying to work in some softer sections in the vain of bands such as Acid Bath to help give the haviness more of a punchy arrival wouldn't be such a bad idea to try. And spreading the tempo for these sections should certainly help achive that.

Overall the EP is a stellar performance by the band. Well executed throughout to pervey that true despair and dread that has become it's defining accolade since the genres development after early Sabbath, it certainly feels like well written Doom Metal. Well recomended to any fans of the genre.

The EP is available on When Planets Collide's BandCamp now on a name your price basis (be nice and give them something). And cassetes with sticker packs are also available for a reasonable £4.95, just for you old school listeners out there. CD's are currently out of stock unfortunately. To buy the EP just visit the links at the bottom of the page.

Nomad - The House Is Dead [EP] [2014]

Nomad is:
Lewis Atkinson - Guitar
Hayley McIntyre - Drums
Rev. Drian Nash - Vocals
John C - Bass

Find the band on facebook here:
The House Is Dead EP:
Napalm Promotions on facebook: