Thursday, 3 July 2014

Thrashin' like it's '86... Still?!

Ever since Thrash reared it's gnarly head in the early '80's, it's continued to grow to be one of metals key genres. Despite the slump brought on by grunge in the '90's, becoming the teenagers poison of choice . it's continued it's presence in metal with a revival of sorts, starting towards the start of the century. And very much in the bane of it's '80's ancestors.

Spawning from the aggression and speed of the likes of Exodus, Kreator and Slayer. Many of the younger bands are considered the 'little brothers' of their musical influences. And it's something that is definitely picked up on by fans.

'It's like Metallica back when they were good!' Has become the rabid call of fans worldwide, following it's re-growth. And it seems the old school is something that Thrashers are keen to not let go of anytime soon. Although this does lead to one question. Is Thrash Metal stagnating?

To many ends, those who know their Thrash Metal alphabet, and are widely versed in the genre, will surely agree. That the 're-Thrash' era is a reincarnation of its heyday. And that originality lies low on the list of priorities. But is it a true pining for the past that lies as the course? Or a genuine lack of direction for new bands to take?

With the rather underground offerings of the likes of Coroner, Watchtower and Voivod covering the technical edge. Bands like Demolition Hammer hammering in the heavy. And Dark Angel and Exodus pushing the boundaries of speed. It's hard for new bands to find a niche to really call there own, and develop uniquely. Many new bands instead opting to continue the heritage in a less than subtle nod to the past. This, to some ends, is a real hint at the halt in progression that Thrash is facing at the moment. With even bands that are said to be moving it forward, such as Vektor, having that very familiar Voivod seasoning to the sound. Although granted, in a very good way. It does seem like it leaves a full gone conclusion on The genre being stamped as stagnant. Although looking at it from a different perspective, all is changed.

Sure the originality of the new school has took a back seat. But looking at what fans want, it quickly becomes apparent that it's not really that as to what they are craving. The hi-top, denim kutte, skinny jean masses, instead are voting in the favour of tradition to keep the scene they love alive. And when it comes down to it, it's the fans obvious comitment to the genres preservation that keeps it how it is. Not stagnating, but instead thriving on its past success in a new era.

You only have to look around at the current home-grown events like Full Thrash Assault and Thrashoholic, and DIY gigs, by fans for fans, on show. And there is all the evidence you need to see that the scene isn't stagnant in anyway. But simply returning to its roots. Unspoilt by it's mainstream growth, commercial gain and rock star excess. The new thrashers of today are instead embracing the feel of Kill 'Em All Metallica,
Pisses off Mustaine and bowl cut Tom Angelripper. And just not giving a fuck! Now get me a beer, Exodus are in in 5!

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